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Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771


Wednesday, September 18, 2024 / Lecture starts at 3:00 PM
On line and in person in the Building 3 Auditorium

photo of Jessica Gallo

Jessica Gallo

“Applications and Hazards of Lithium-Ion Batteries.”

ABSTRACT -- Lithium-ion batteries are an ever-increasing presence in today’s society. From phones to cars to tools and toothbrushes, lithium-ion batteries are ubiquitous. This discussion will review the anatomy of lithium-ion batteries, the electrochemical oxidation-reduction reaction, and the hazards associated with thermal runaway, which can include fire, gas venting, battery explosion, ejection behaviors, and more. In addition, a thorough review will be conducted of the hazards present with the use of lithium-ion batteries, introducing case studies for various applications. There will be discussion of some misconceptions that exist regarding lithium-ion batteries by providing scientific research and accounts from firefighters. Although lithium-ion batteries provide great benefit to an increasingly electrified world, they do present safety challenges that must be understood and respected.

SPEAKER -- Jessica Gallo is a Fire Protection Consultant at Fire & Risk Alliance (FRA). In her role with FRA, Jessica has participated in battery testing and various lab-based projects as part of the Research and Development team. Jessica leads presentations and training sessions for fire departments regarding the hazards associated with batteries and energy storage systems. Jessica conducted research on informal settlement fires in South Africa that was subsequently published by the Society of Fire Protection Engineers in 2021. She is also the author of the white paper Electric Vehicle Fires: An Overview and Analysis, published by Fire & Risk Alliance in January 2024. Jessica was also a contributing editor to the April 2024 edition of the International Fire & Safety Journal and the May 2024 edition of the Fire & Safety Journal Americas. Jessica has worked for FRA for two years and is currently pursuing a B.S. in Fire Protection Engineering from the University of Maryland.

Engineering Colloquium home page: https://ecolloq.gsfc.nasa.gov