Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771
Monday, September 26, 2011 / 3:30 PM, Building 3 Auditorium
Bill Chambers
"A New Spin. From the Launch Phase Simulator (LPS) to the High Capacity Centrifuge (HCC)"
ABSTRACT -- The Launch Phase Simulator was originally designed in 1962 to combine Acceleration, Vibration, Acoustic Noise, and Vacuum to simulate payload environmental conditions expected during launch. By the 1980s only the Acceleration environment was utilized for this unique facility. The Facility was significantly modified in 1994 to support centrifuge testing of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM). Those upgrades continue to support GSFC missions with the recent JWST ISIM and GPM testing completed in 2011. Vintage photos and more modern videos will be presented to help describe this unique GSFC facility.
SPEAKER -- Bill Chambers is a structural dynamics engineer with 27 years of Aerospace and Defense experience and has supported Code 549 NASA GSFC programs for over 22 years. He was part of the original design team during the HCC Facility upgrades of 1994 which adapted the HCC Facility for TRMM testing. Bill continues supporting centrifuge testing here at Goddard with the recent JWST ISIM and GPM HCC testing programs.