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Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771


Monday, November 7, 2016 / 3:30 PM, Building 3 Auditorium

Jessica Knizhnik

"Model Based Engineering"

ABSTRACT -- Growing mission complexity (autonomy, instrument technical capability, space craft technical capability and multi-space craft operations), coupled with greater programmatic constraints, challenges systems engineering like never before, and Model Based Engineering (MBE) offers an opportunity to improve the Center’s capabilities to manage complex requirements, designs and system trades over the entire lifecycle of project implementation. MBE uses one central model that organizes all the technical information about an instrument or a spacecraft. Information from other models (such as thermal models or structural models) would be fed into the central model. Project team members who need technical data could retrieve it from the central model. Many of the documents we now use (such as mechanical drawings and MICD's) could be created when needed from the central model.

Goddard has already started using MBE on projects like JPSS and ARRM and is working on expanding its use to other projects around the center. This talk will discuss MBE in further depth, expound on the work that Goddard is already doing using MBE and present potential efficiencies associated with MBE.

SPEAKER -- Jessica Knizhnik is currently on detail to the Instrument and Payload Systems Engineering Branch (Code 592) as the lead for its Model Based Sounding Rocket effort in concert with groups at Wallops and other NASA sites. Prior to her work in MBE she served as a Product Assurance Engineer on the JWST and DSCOVR missions.

Engineering Colloquium home page: https://ecolloq.gsfc.nasa.gov