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Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771


Monday, September 17, 2018 / 3:30 PM, Building 3 Auditorium

Photo of John Logsdon

John Logsdon

"Once We Went to the Moon: Are We Going Again?"

ABSTRACT -- We will soon be celebrating the 50th anniversaries of the Apollo missions that took 12 Americans to the surface of the Moon. This talk will remind us why we went, and discuss why we stopped going. It will then suggest that we have preparing since 2004, in fits and starts but so far inexorably, to resume human exploration beyond low Earth orbit, and why that preparation will lead, on a "go as you pay" basis, to a return to the Moon in the next decade.

SPEAKER -- Dr. John M. Logsdon is Professor Emeritus of Political Science and International Affairs at George Washington University, where he taught for 38 years. He is the founder of GWU's Space Policy Institute, and held the Charles Lindbergh Chair at the National Air and Space Museum. He holds a B.S. in Physics from Xavier University and a Ph.D. in Political Science from New York University.

Dr. Logsdon's research focuses on the policy and history in U.S. and other space programs. Two recent books (John F. Kennedy and the Race to the Moon and After Apollo? Richard Nixon and the American Space Program) won awards from the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). He is now writing a book about space decisions in the Reagan administration, and he is editing The Penguin History of Outer Space Exploration, due this month.

Dr. Logsdon has served on the NASA Advisory Council and was a member of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board. His honors include three from NASA: the Exceptional Public Service, Distinguished Public Service, and Public Service Medals. He has also served on the advisory committee for the National Air and Space Museum. He is a fellow of the AIAA.

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