Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771
Monday, October 22, 2018 / 3:30 PM, Building 3 Auditorium
Ann Pollack
"A Century of Missiles"
ABSTRACT -- While the Chinese first used rockets in the 1200's, modern guided missiles arguably have their origins in the work of Robert Goddard a century ago - who drew his original inspiration from science fiction. Since then, from World War II to the Syria conflict, missiles have played important roles in both offensive and defensive operations. They have also required complicated engineering solutions that have advanced the state of the art in multiple areas helping to make technologies like self-driving cars feasible.
SPEAKER -- Ann Pollack is a member of the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab Principal Professional Staff with 30 years of experience in missile systems engineering, modeling and simulation, and requirements development. After early work on the Tomahawk cruise missile during its initial tactical deployment in the 1st Gulf War, she shifted her focus to ballistic missile defense, defining requirements for 5 different missile programs. She spent 8 years as the Supervisor of a missile systems engineering group. She is currently a Project Manager leading multiple teams supporting high fidelity missile modeling, future threat definition, and advanced missile development. Ms Pollack holds three degrees from the Johns Hopkins University, a Bachelors and Masters in Electrical Engineering and a Masters in Computer Science.