Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771
Monday, February 26, 2018 / 3:30 PM, Building 3 Auditorium
Niall O'Malley
"Tall Ships and Baltimore's Maritime History"
ABSTRACT -- Why did Baltimore thrive as a port? What developments led to innovations in ship design? Did you know that there were 72 shipyards in Baltimore during the 1800s? The British referred to Baltimore as a “hornet’s nest of ship building”. How did the arrival of goods from China usher in a new age of commerce? How did John O’Donnell reshape Baltimore and how did he interact with George Washington? Who was Thomas Boyle and what was the Chasseur? What are the lasting legacies associated with tall ships that continue to shape Baltimore today? These questions and more will be answered and discussed in a lively presentation followed by question and answer.
SPEAKER -- Niall O’Malley has a lifelong interest in tall ships and sailing. Prior to getting his MBA, he served watch captain on a 55 foot sloop for five months in the South Pacific that was making its way around the world. He has crewed on sail boats that have navigated Diamond Head shoals, the Gulf Stream and Bermuda. Most recently he guest crewed on the Pride of Baltimore II as it made its way from Baltimore to Norfolk, Virginia.
Mr. O’Malley is a member of the Maritime Committee at the Maryland Historical Society, which has unique tall ship exhibits, photos and log books. He is a J-22 skipper at the Downtown Sailing Center, which is an award winning community sailing center. He is a contributor and member of the Pride of Baltimore Privateer Society.
Mr. O'Malley's nautical interests inspired the name Blue Point Investment Management, for his globally oriented firm that focusses on capital appreciation.