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Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771


Monday, March 2, 2020 / 3:30 PM, Building 3 Auditorium

Bill Schindler

"Our Dietary Past: the technological link between nature, man and food"

ABSTRACT -- Our species is sicker than it has ever been and we are literally killing ourselves with how we eat. Most modern dietary approaches are not much help in navigating this flawed system nor satisfy our nutritional, ethical, and environmental needs. Biologically, we are essentially the same as we have been since we first made an appearance as a species, so our nutritional needs have not drastically changed BUT our cultural needs have seismically shifted, and our expectations of taste, smell, texture and presentation have significantly impacted the way we think about food. Dr. Schindler believes that by fusing lessons from our dietary past with modern culinary techniques and by reconnecting people with food we can create a food system that is meaningful, accessible, relevant and delicious! This presentation will offer a unique perspective on our dietary past and how it can inform our dietary future by drawing from Dr. Schindler's experiences as an experimental and prehistoric archaeologist, food anthropologist, and chef.

SPEAKER -- Dr. Bill Schindler is the director of the Eastern Shore Food Lab, an Associate Professor of Anthropology and Archaeology at Washington College in Chestertown, Maryland and the co-star of both the National Geographic series, The Great Human Race and Curiosity Stream's, The Modern Stone Age Family. He is a food archaeologist, primitive technologist and chef. He travels the world documenting traditional food ways and works to draw inspiration from the deep archaeological record, rich ethnographic record and modern culinary world to create food solutions that are relevant, meaningful and accessible. Bill is a strong advocate of traditional foodways and is constantly seeking new ways to incorporate lessons learned from his research into the diets of modern humans. His outlook on food has revolutionized the way in which he and his family eat and he attributes much of the health his wife and three children enjoy to the nutrient dense hunted, gathered, and fermented foods that comprise a significant portion of their diets. He makes a difference in the lives of people around the world by sharing his powerful approach and reconnecting them with their food, past, environment and communities through speaking, coaching, workshops and retreats. Check out www.drbillschindler.com for more information.

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