Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771
Monday, May 10, 2020 / Lecture starts at 3:30 PM On line
SPEAKER -- Terry Hurford is a planetary scientist in the Geology, Geophysics and Geochemistry Laboratory at NASA GSFC. He studies the geology and geophysics of icy satellites. His work has linked the formation of tectonic features to tidal stresses that are active on these bodies. For example, on Enceladus his work has led to the understanding that diurnal changes in stress can modulate the on-going eruption of material from fractures called Tiger Stripes in the south polar region.
ABSTRACT -- NASA GSFC in a partnership with Arizona State University is maturing a pathfinder planetary seismometer, the SUBsurface Lunar Investigation and Monitoring Experiment (SUBLIME) instrument to TRL 6 for future Lunar missions. This seismometer is based on an innovative Molecular Electronic Transducer (MET) technological design. MET seismometers utilize a liquid electrolyte and provide a cost-effective, rugged, and simple to deploy seismometer that can be incorporated on a broad range of future lander missions.